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ATC Is Holding Auditions for new Members

ATC New Member Auditions are Sunday, March 16, 2025 from 1PM - 4PM at ATC's theater located at 6601 Hamilton Avenue. Auditioners are expected to be in attendance for the full three hours.

We are looking for new members who:
- will be in grades 6-12 in the Pittsburgh area at the start of the 2025-2026 school year
- enjoy performing - which can be singing, dancing, acting, rapping, and/or sharing spoken word
- display confidence, a good attitude, and a lot of personality!

-are available for our mandatory Summer Intensive from June 16 - July 13, 2025

TIP: You don’t have to be good at every aspect of performing, you just have to be willing to try!

To register:
Please submit this form.

The Audition Process:
- Auditioners should arrive promptly at 1PM and plan to stay for the entirety of the audition.
- We will work with the group of auditioners on writing, singing, acting, and dancing.
- Please prepare a 30 second selection of a song. It can be any genre. Please find an instrumental to sing with

on YouTube.
- Wear clothes that are comfortable to dance in.
- We will give you a scene to work on at the audition - you do not need to prepare a monologue.


Q: What is ATC?
A: ATC (Alumni Theater Company) is a dynamic crew of performers in grades 6-12 that create bold theatrical work that gives fresh voice to the experience of young Black artists and highlights their rich contribution to our community. ATC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in its 16th season of operation. We provide year-round individualized, intense artistic guidance for talented, committed youth in a highly creative, challenging and supportive setting.

Q: How do I sign up?
A: Submit this form!

Q: How often do ATC auditions happen?
A: ATC holds auditions once a year.


Q: What happens if you ask me to join ATC?
A: If you are accepted, you will start your journey with ATC by participating in our Summer Intensive from June 16
 - July 20, 2025. This is the opportunity for all new members to become acclimated to ATC expectations and for the company to build an ensemble for the upcoming year. Upon successful completion of this experience, you will be invited to continue with ATC. Before the Summer Intensive, you and your parent(s) will meet ATC staff and learn about our expectations to set you up for success.

Q: What if I am not comfortable singing/dancing/acting?
A: That’s okay! We realize that some people are stronger in one area of performance more than another. You don’t have to be strong in every area of performance, but you must show a willingness to try. That means having a positive attitude and doing your best in every part of the audition. ATC exists to help young performers at all different levels grow in their talent.

Q: How do I learn more about ATC ?
A: ATC is all over social media. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to view the latest ATC content. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok to get some insight into our activities and to get to know our members. 


If you have questions please contact us at OR call or text us at 412.945.0282.

(c) 2021 Alumni Theater Company. All rights reserved.

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